QUARANTINE - TKG Level by Sam Webb

This is my first level for AB3DII to be finished and playable. It took a long time to figure out how to make the level, but it was worth it, and I doubt I'd have done it without the replacement level editor by Jens Vang Petersen.

To install the level:

It should then load up instead of the usual LEVEL A when you play the game.

It isn't the easiest level in the world, but shouldn't be too hard to complete once you know the layout and where the badies are coming from. There is a special boss alien for those who think they can take it on (if you can't, don't blow up the generators).

The level is quite slow and jumpy in certain parts and has a few glitches in it. I don't think there is anything that will cause the game to crash, but as usual I can't be held responsible for any damage caused to anything as a result of you using my level. But the biggest problem I've encountered is the notorious backing through walls glitch. Make sure you've got back-ups of any other level you might want to keep, which is in the LEVEL_A drawer, and the TEXT_FILE, which holds the text info for all the levels, not just my one.

I hope you like the level, I will hopefully do a follow-up or two, and feel free to e-mail me with comments and suggestions, etc. (sjwebb at mailexcite.com - use "@" instead of "at" and don't leave spaces either side of "at")

Also, if you haven't seen Amithyst yet, please take a look. It is the free online e-mag, about the Amiga, SF, fantasy, horror, CGI and the supernatural that I run. The URL of the mag is www.brunel.ac.uk/~em97jgh and it should be available in some other places as well. If you've made a level for TKG or any other Amiga game, send it to me and I'll put it in the mag for others to download, provided there's enough space left.